Shark Vacuum Cleaner Making Weird Suction Noises (2024)

Honestly, you cannot go wrong with a Shark vacuum cleaner. They are generally strong and dependable, and, more often than not, will offer you efficiency, reliability, and excellent value for money.

But Shark vacuum cleaners are not invincible. There may come a time when it breaks down, refuses to come on, or you notice your shark vacuum cleaner making weird suction noises. This can be pretty disconcerting, especially the first time it happens.

For most people, vacuuming is not the most enjoyable of household chores. What can make an already dreary task even less pleasant quickly is your Shark vacuum cleaner making weird suction noises. This noise can be really loud, or just plain grating to hear.

So what causes these inconvenient noises? Let’s take a look at some possible reasons why your shark vacuum may be making weird suction noises.

Shark Vacuum Cleaner Making Weird Suction Noises (2)
  • Clogs

This is a pretty common cause of the weird noises your Shark vacuum cleaner may emit. Vacuum cleaners are pretty sensitive about what they swallow. They are open to sucking in dust, sand, and small debris, but when it’s a sock, clumps of hair, folded pieces of paper, or coins, then there’s a problem.

It is important to inspect the surface you intend to vacuum before you begin. Apart from causing your Shark vacuum cleaner to make weird suction noises, clogs may lead to blockages that may need technical help to fix.

  • Dirty filters

There is a chance that if your Shark vacuum has suddenly begun to emit those annoying noises, dirty filters may be the problem.

Vacuum filters serve a very important purpose. Primary filters collect a good proportion of the dust, hair, dirt, and other tiny debris that have been suctioned into the vacuum cleaner before they can be pushed out back into the environment. Secondary filters on the other hand, further purify the air that has passed through the primary filter. It collects all finer particles that have made it past the primary filters.

Over time, filters gather up so much dirt. This affects the vacuum cleaner as it has to work harder to create enough suction to properly clean your surfaces. As a result, your Shark vacuum will begin to make those weird and annoying suction noises.

Shark Vacuum Cleaner Making Weird Suction Noises (3)
  • Broken Fan

Conversely, the weird suction noises your Shark vacuum cleaner makes may be a result of a broken fan. The fan plays an essential role in your vacuum cleaner, preventing it from overheating.

After a while, lots of dirt will run through your Shark vacuum cleaner’s motor and collect on the fan. Eventually, it will cause the fan to break. When this happens, the vacuum cleaner begins to emit a louder noise, with the sound from the broken fan combining with the suction sound of your vacuum cleaner.

If your Shark vacuum cleaner has a broken fan, you should take it to a repairer.

Shark Vacuum Cleaner Making Weird Suction Noises (4)
  • Damaged or Dirty Brush Roll

Finally, a damaged or dirty brush roll may be responsible for your Shark vacuum cleaner making weird suction noises. If it is damaged, then it may need to be replaced. If, on the other hand, the noise is caused by debris getting stuck in the brush roll, you can have the noise cut out in no time.

Now we are done with diagnosing the possible causes, let’s move on to the fixes.

You need to make filter cleaning a regular fixture in your Shark vacuum cleaning maintenance.

  • Unplug your vacuum cleaner >> Tap the filter against a wall or the rim of a dustbin to get rid of loose dust and dirt >> Use an old toothbrush to remove the remaining dust in and around the metal grate >> Run the filters under warm water until all the dirt is gone and then sun-dry.
  • Your Shark vacuum comes with a HEPA filter. This is not washable. Simply clean with an air compressor.

If the weird suction noise is a result of clogging, then you must unclog.

  • Confirm that it is clogged. Inspect the head visually. Release the hose and drop something small through it. If it does not drop out at the other end, then it is clogged.
  • If the clog is in the head, you may be able to pull it out with your fingers, a toothbrush, or a pen.
  • If it is in the hose, gently poke through the hose with a mop stick or a straightened wire hanger, until the clog drops out.
  • Test the vacuum to see if the noise is gone.
Shark Vacuum Cleaner Making Weird Suction Noises (5)
  • Lay the vacuum flat and turn it so the brush roll faces upward >> Remove the knobs and lift the brush roll plate off >> thoroughly clean any dirt and debris that may be stuck in it >> Place the brush roll on its end and spin. If it spins effortlessly, then there is no damage to it, and it should work noiselessly now.
Shark Vacuum Cleaner Making Weird Suction Noises (2024)


Shark Vacuum Cleaner Making Weird Suction Noises? ›

Finally, a damaged or dirty brush roll may be responsible for your Shark vacuum cleaner making weird suction noises. If it is damaged, then it may need to be replaced. If, on the other hand, the noise is caused by debris getting stuck in the brush roll, you can have the noise cut out in no time.

Why is my vacuum making a loud suction noise? ›

An unbearable vacuum cleaner sound signifies that your machine has one or all of the following issues: Damaged or rusted brush bearings. Clogs in the filters and other components. Broken fans.

How do I fix the suction on my Shark vacuum? ›

Rinse the filters with lukewarm water until the water runs clear. Let the filters dry fully before putting them back into the vacuum. If the vacuum is still not picking up dirt and debris, your filters may need to be replaced.

Why is my Shark vacuum hissing? ›

If the tube is making a hissing noise, there could be air leaking from the tube which prevents the vacuum from picking up dust. The tube's body may have been damaged by fast moving debris or the connection of the tube to the main body could have loosened through the vibration of the vacuum.

Why is my vacuum pump making a weird sound? ›

Poor oil conditions for lubricated pumps cause the pump to work harder, which increases noise. In general, the older the pump, the louder it becomes. After 9-10 years, the housing can become washboarded, or corrugated. This washboarding effect causes the vanes to chatter, significantly increasing sound levels.

Why is my vacuum making a high pitch noise? ›

A high pitch whistle could indicate a seal is damaged or the machine is blocked. If the noise occurs without the Wand and Cleaner head, it is likely to be caused by either the bin or cyclone.

Do Shark vacuums lose suction over time? ›

Keep your vacuum clean, replace bags or empty the dust bin regularly, and don't forget about the filters. With these simple practices, your Shark Vacuum should be able to maintain its powerful suction for years to come.

How long do Shark vacuums last? ›

White says most Shark vacuums can last four to six years with regular maintenance.” Of course, that depends on how often you use your vacuum as well as the overall quality of the specific model.

Why is my Shark vacuum making a strange sound? ›

Why is my Shark vacuum making a loud noise? Answer: Check the brush roll for any obstructions, such as hair or debris. If the noise persists, the vacuum's motor or belt may be damaged and require repair or replacement.

Why does my Shark vacuum sound like it has an air leak? ›

A misaligned canister can cause air leaks, leading to noise and reduced suction. Examine the Brush Roll:Check the brush roll for tangled hair, string, or other debris. Clean the brush roll if necessary. Check the Hose Connections:Ensure all hose connections are secure and not damaged.

Why is my vacuum cleaner so loud all of a sudden? ›

Blockage – when a vacuum cleaner becomes unusually loud, it is normally because of a blockage of some sort. This is a problem that is easily solved by turning off the cleaner, check for blockages in the pipes, and remove them. You can also check and empty the canister to remove any possible blockages there as well.

Why does my Shark vacuum make a loud noise and burning smell? ›

Faulty Motor

Once you observed that the belt or roller brush of your vacuum has no damage or debris, but your vacuum still emits a burning smell when powered on, then the problem is the motor. Contact Shark customer service or support for further assistance.

Why is my Shark vacuum roller making noise? ›

First, check if there's any debris, such as hair or tangled fibers, stuck in the brush roll. Clearing it out might help alleviate the noise. Additionally, inspect the brush roll for any signs of damage or wear. It's possible that the brush roll needs to be cleaned or replaced if it's worn out.

Why is my vacuum cleaner making a high pitched noise? ›

A high pitch whistle could indicate a seal is damaged or the machine is blocked. If the noise occurs without the Wand and Cleaner head, it is likely to be caused by either the bin or cyclone.

Why does my vacuum sound clogged? ›

Internal Filters Clogged

Another contributor to extra noise is clogged secondary or internal filters. You may notice that your vacuum is louder because it sounds like it is clogged and is "straining".


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