Is Coconut Water Good For Weight Loss? (2024)

It is impossible to beat coconut water for weight loss and rejuvenation (1). This hydrating drink is natural and nutrient-rich and replenishes your body post-exercise without making you feel bloated. In addition, this tropical drink may be beneficial to your weight loss program. So, if you are looking for an effective way to lose weight, you need to drink coconut water frequently.

Coconut water refers to the liquid endospermi XFound in the center of a young coconut, it is a tissue that provides essential nutrients to the growing coconut embryo. inside coconuts. The liquid is slightly turbid and tastes salty and sweet. It is also fantastic for your hair and skin. This article discusses tips and benefits of consuming coconut water for weight loss, its impact on your health and wellness, its nutritional profile, and any potential side effects. Read on.

In This Article

Coconut Water Weight Loss Facts

1. Nutritional Benefits

While we discuss how coconut water for weight loss is a great way to stay healthy, it is extremely important to understand that you need to opt for green coconut water for best results. Avoid having coconut milk that is available from the ripe coconut. Coconut milk is a high-calorie drink. It might give the reverse outcome, especially when you aim at shedding your extra pounds.

Let us explore the fundamental nutritional values of coconut water.

  • Fiber

Just one cup of this refreshing drink contains 3 g of fiber in it. The amount is remarkably high when compared to other drinks. Water, cola, soda, and other similar drinks do not contain as much fiber as coconut water. Fiber contains no calories and helps in slowing down the absorption of food through the digestive system.

This, in turn, helps to maintain the blood sugar level. At the same time, the fiber in coconut water helps in preventing food cravings, sugar spikes, and crashes. Modern research has proved that fiber expedites the food passage through the colon, which helps in eliminating the waste water from the body much easily.

Related: Top 5 High-Fiber Food Groups That You Should Eat Regularly

  • Potassium

Potassium is a major component of coconut water. It contains more potassium (300mg in a cup) than a banana, which is another rich source of this nutrient. Potassium is an excellent electrolytei XA type of electrically charged essential mineral that helps balance the body's fluid levels and regulates nerve and muscle function. that transforms food into energy. In addition, potassium also helps in building and strengthening body muscles. You must have heard that muscles burn more calories compared to the fat.

  • Protein

You get 2 gm of protein from a cup of coconut water. Protein is a major appetite suppressant that helps you consume lower calories when you aim at losing weight fast. Many people on a weight reduction mission stick to a high-protein diet for this reason. Being high in protein, coconut water is an excellent choice to make.

  • Vitamin C

Dieticians often recommend adding coconut water to your diet chart as it is a rich source of vitamin C. You can get 10% of your daily required allowance of antioxidants and vitamin C from a cup of coconut water alone. Vitamin C, as studies show, is a must for producing a hormone called carnitine that helps in carrying energy directly to the cells.

  • Enzymes

Several enzymes such as catalase, peroxidase, dehydrogenase, diastase, RNA polymerase, and phosphatase are present in coconut water. These enzymes aid the proper functioning of the digestive and metabolic systems.

2. How Does Coconut Water Help In Weight Loss?

You may wonder why coconut water and not anything else is recommended for reducing body weight. It is true that you could find many foods that help you stay fit and reduce calories for staying fit. In the case of coconut water, you get multiple benefits from a single cup of drink.

Here are the reasons why drinking coconut water will help you lose weight.

(i) Low In Calories

A cup of coconut offers just 46 calories, in addition to a number of essential nutrients. It is a good option when compared to packaged drinks and even water. The packaged drinks contain added sugar and flavor, which will make you gain weight. Water, on the other hand, is devoid of the natural electrolytes that coconut water contains. This low calorie natural drink will keep you hydrated and also help you lose weight by consuming fewer calories.

Related: The 500-Calorie Diet For Weight Loss – A Sample Meal Plan, Benefits, and Health Risks

(ii) Increases Metabolic Rate

People with a low metabolic rate run the risk of becoming obese sooner or later. When you have a low metabolic rate, no matter how less you eat, you gain weight. Coconut water helps to increase the metabolic rate, thus helping you fight obesity. It improves digestion and absorption of food and channels the energy produced for performing various voluntary and involuntary tasks.

(iii) Lowers Cholesterol

A high amount of bad cholesterol (LDLi XShort for low-density lipoprotein, it is the “bad” cholesterol that collects in the walls of your blood vessels, raising your chances of health problems. ) in your blood can clog your arteries by getting deposited on the walls of your arteries. This will hinder smooth blood flow, which can prove to be fatal. It has been scientifically proven that coconut water, in fact, lowers cholesterol (2). Coconut water converts the bad cholesterol to bile acids, which is then excreted out.

(iv) Improves Insulin Sensitivity

Coconut water contains antioxidants that help to scavenge the reactive oxygen species (ROS). These reactive oxygen species are the main reason for many diseases, disorders, and aging. It has been found that coconut water helps to reduce ROS, which in turn improves insulin sensitivity (3). When your body is sensitive to insulin, you will be less prone to gain weight or become diabetic.

(v) Spares Proteins As Energy Source

Coconut water helps to build lean muscle. It is a low-calorie drink and helps to lower blood cholesterol and increase your metabolic rate, thus resulting in lesser fat accumulation in your body. The already stored fat gets used up as an energy source. So, all you are left with is muscle.

Liv, a vlogger, spoke about drinking only coconut water for 6 days and shared her results in her video. She said, “I had a lot of energy. I just felt really good the whole time (i).”

(vi) Supports Thyroid Function

When the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones, the metabolic rate is slow. Coconut water helps the thyroid to function properly, thus normalizing the metabolic rate.

(vii) Keeps Your Body Hydrated

Coconut water is rich in nutrition and keeps you hydrated. After drinking the water of a tender coconut, you tend to feel full, and as a result, you don’t feel hungry for at least an hour. You will also not feel the desire to munch on junk food as the unique combination of salts and sugar in coconut water satisfies your taste buds.

Is Coconut Water Good For Weight Loss? (1) Did You Know?

During World War II, soldiers were given coconut water to treat dehydration as there was a lack of medical supplies.

These are the reasons why coconut water benefits weight loss.This liquid diet is recommended for everyone who is on a special diet to combat obesity.

Related: 15 Simple And Effective Home Remedies To Treat Dehydration

3. When To Drink Coconut Water

  • After working out
  • Early in the morning with a dash of lime
  • Lunch or post-lunch
  • After a hectic day

4. Useful Tips

  • Try to drink natural, freshly cut tender coconut.
  • Do not store it for more than a day.
  • Add fresh fruits to coconut water to make it extra nutritious.
  • Do not add sugar or artificial sweeteners.
  • Tender coconut water is more beneficial for losing weight as compared to water from the mature ones.
  • If you don’t like to eat the thin layer of tender coconut, apply it on your skin.

Is Coconut Water Good For Weight Loss? (2) Quick Tip

You can use tender coconut water as a substitute for water or fruit juice when making vegetable juices in a blender. It will add a touch of saltiness and sweetness to the end product.

5. Caution

Drinking coconut water more than once or twice a day can lead to a rise in the sugar levels. High sugar intake will serve no purpose if you want to lose weight. Coconut water also contains about 0.5 grams of saturated fat per cup. Saturated fats are bad fats and will lead to weight gain. They can also make you prone to heart disease or stroke. Also, avoid drinking packaged coconut water.

The source of coconut water is important. The canned or processed ones might have artificial flavors, which may increase the sugar levels indirectly. As it is high in potassium, coconut water should be taken with caution by patients with kidney or heart problems.

Let us look into some other health risks of consuming coconut water in excess below.

Coconut Water Side Effects

Having coconut water in moderation may be beneficial for health but excessive consumption may cause the following side effects:

  • Coconut water has natural laxative and diuretic properties (4). Consuming too much in a short period may lead to an upset stomach, diarrhea, increased urination, and significantly lower blood pressure.
  • While coconut water is a great source of electrolytes, its excess consumption may create an electrolyte imbalance, leading to irregular heartbeats, muscle weakness, and other symptoms.
  • Coconut water is high in potassium. Drinking an excessive amount of coconut water may increase your potassium intake. A high serum potassium concentration is linked to cardiac arrhythmia and weakened kidney functions (5).
  • Those who have coconut allergies may experience adverse reactions, such as swelling, breathing issues, itching, hives, or even, anaphylaxis (life-threatening allergic reaction).

Let us know whether drinking coconut water gave you the desired results by commenting in the box below. Cheers to good health!

Infographic: 5 Ways Coconut Water Helps You Lose Weight

Coconut water has more than just yumminess to offer. With so many benefits, it is no wonder it has become a popular choice for people looking to improve their health and lose weight. Check out the infographic below to learn why it might be a good addition to your weight loss routine.

Is Coconut Water Good For Weight Loss? (3)


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Is Coconut Water Good For Weight Loss? (5)

Other than its rejuvenating and hydrating properties, the benefits of coconut water for weight loss are also gaining wide popularity. Rich in vitamins, fiber, minerals, and enzymes, coconut water not only helps in the detoxification and cleansing of your system but also helps lower your blood cholesterol levels. It is also known to boost your metabolism and make you feel satiated. While you can include 1-2 tender coconut’s water in your diet regimen, make sure not to overdo it and avoid the nutrient-dense milky part if you are aiming to lose weight.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is coconut water good for belly fat?

Drinking coconut water may help in weight loss and increase metabolism. Therefore, following a regular exercise regime and drinking coconut water may speed up the process of your belly fat burning.

Is coconut water better for you than water?

Coconut water is good for you, but it is not better than water in terms of hydration.

What happens when you drink coconut water on an empty stomach?

It may help increase your metabolism, keep you hydrated, boost your energy, improve your fitness, and make you feel full.

Key Takeaways

  • Coconut water helps regulate fluid balance, controls water retention, and reduces bloating.
  • It is a traditional remedy for healthy skin as it is loaded with antioxidants.
  • It has a low glycemic index, which improves insulin sensitivity and prevents a sudden spike in glucose levels.
  • Being rich in fiber, it keeps you full for a longer time, prevents overeating and promotes weight loss.

Watch this video to discover the amazing benefits of starting your day with a refreshing glass of coconut water. From hydration to nutrient boost, find out why this simple habit can transform your health and wellness.

Personal Experience: Source

i. End of My WEEK COCONUT WATER FAST: Results, Cautions, Ideas


Articles on StyleCraze are backed by verified information from peer-reviewed and academic research papers, reputed organizations, research institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Check out our editorial policy for further details.

  1. Rehydration after exercise with fresh young coconut water, carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage and plain water. Journal of physiological anthropology and applied human science. US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  2. Beneficial effects of coconut water feeding on lipid metabolism in cholesterol-fed rats, Journal of medicinal food, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  3. Therapeutic effects of tender coconut water on oxidative stress in fructose fed insulin resistant hypertensive rats, Asian Pacific journal of tropical medicine, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  4. Coconut Water: An Unexpected Source of Urinary Citrate, BioMed Research International, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
  5. Hyperkalemia Revisited, The Texas Heart Institute Journal, US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.

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My expertise in nutrition and health involves an in-depth understanding of the benefits and drawbacks of various food and drink choices. When it comes to coconut water, it's not just a tropical trend; it's a genuinely nutrient-rich drink with multiple benefits. Coconut water is a treasure trove of nutrients like potassium, fiber, enzymes, and even protein and vitamin C. The liquid from young coconuts has been historically used for rehydration, and its nutritional profile contributes to weight loss and overall wellness.

Let's dive into the concepts covered in the article:

1. Coconut Water: Nutritional Benefits

Fiber: Coconut water contains about 3 grams of fiber per cup, aiding digestion, regulating blood sugar, and curbing cravings.

Potassium: It's rich in potassium, surpassing even bananas, and helps in energy conversion, muscle strength, and electrolyte balance.

Protein: Surprisingly, coconut water contains around 2 grams of protein per cup, contributing to satiety and supporting weight loss.

Vitamin C: Offering about 10% of the daily recommended allowance of antioxidants and vitamin C, it aids in energy production.

Enzymes: Various enzymes present support digestive and metabolic functions.

2. How Coconut Water Aids Weight Loss

Low in Calories: At just 46 calories per cup, it's a low-calorie alternative to sugary drinks, aiding weight loss while providing essential nutrients.

Boosts Metabolic Rate: Improves digestion and absorption of food, increasing the metabolic rate and assisting in weight management.

Lowers Cholesterol: Scientifically proven to reduce bad cholesterol levels, promoting heart health and better circulation.

Enhances Insulin Sensitivity: Reducing reactive oxygen species, it improves insulin sensitivity, preventing weight gain and diabetes.

Sustains Muscle & Thyroid Function: Supports lean muscle building and ensures proper thyroid function, crucial for metabolism.

Hydration & Appetite Control: Keeps the body hydrated, reducing hunger pangs and cravings for unhealthy snacks.

3. When & How to Consume Coconut Water

  • Post-Exercise: Ideal for rehydration after a workout.
  • Morning or Post-Lunch: Offers a nutrient boost and curbs hunger.
  • Fresh & Natural: Best consumed freshly cut and without additives.

4. Tips and Cautions

  • Opt for fresh coconut water and avoid adding sugar or artificial sweeteners.
  • Overconsumption may lead to increased sugar levels or excessive intake of saturated fats, leading to weight gain or health complications.
  • Caution advised for individuals with kidney or heart problems due to its potassium content.

5. Side Effects and Moderation

  • Laxative and Diuretic Properties: Excessive consumption may lead to stomach upset, diarrhea, increased urination, and lower blood pressure.
  • Electrolyte Imbalance: Excessive intake can lead to irregular heartbeats, muscle weakness, and potassium-related issues.
  • Allergic Reactions: Some individuals might be allergic to coconut, leading to adverse effects like swelling or breathing difficulties.

The piece also highlights real-life experiences, scientific studies supporting coconut water benefits, and potential risks. It's a comprehensive guide that emphasizes moderation and natural consumption for optimal health benefits.

Is Coconut Water Good For Weight Loss? (2024)


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